Jun 22Liked by American Prestige

You guys are killing it with the excellent, edgy, interesting topics and appropriate guests. I feel like this episode was done just for me. :)

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Jun 18Liked by American Prestige

Wait. are we the bad guys? ™

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This is one of very few instances where I'll get pedantic, but if we're quoting the Mitchell and Webb sketch, it's "baddies". For me, this takes it over the top.

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There's a scene in Philip K. Dick's "A Scanner Darkly" where Arctor is surveilling his own house from the police station monitors, and watches his roommate willingly let his other tenant almost choke to death:

“That fucking Barris!” he said. “You know how he

works? He doesn't kill anybody he wants dead; he just hangs

around until a situation arises where they die. And he just

sits there while they die. In fact, he sets them up to die while

he stays out of it. But I'm not sure how. Anyhow, he arranges

to allow them to fucking die.” He lapsed into silence then,

brooding to himself. “Like,” he said, “Barris wouldn't wire

plastic explosives into the ignition system of your car. What

he'd do--”

“Do you have the money?” Donna said.

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Micah Xavier Johnson Was killed by a bomb disposal robot on U.S. soil on July 8th 2016. Is this not considered topical for overreach of drone strikes on U.S. citizens?

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