Puzzling that you haven't reviewed the analysis of the military situation in Ukraine from Scott Ritter or Douglas MacGregor or Gilbert Doctorow, all of whom offer a different perspective than what we get from the western media. Sky News? Really?

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To be very clear, the Sky News piece we referenced was an interview with Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin's own spokesperson, citing his own words that Russia has taken "significant" losses. I guess it's possible he's doing a double secret 12th dimension chess false flag triple axel because he's a deep cover CIA agent or something, but even if he is that public statement from the Russian government's chief spokesperson is in and of itself noteworthy.

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Rather than the Hungarian and French elections potentially turning strictly on domestic issues, is it possible that a significant percentage of the population of these countries are actually hostile to NATO and/or friendly to closer alignment with Putin's Russia?

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This could well be the case in Hungary but I'm less inclined to accept it for France, where Macron's first and second round poll numbers spiked right after the invasion only to come down steeply as he campaigned on neoliberal staples like raising the retirement age.

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Will you be my friend?

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Don’t know if it’s on purpose but Ukraine not being able to plant it’s wheat is going to have some pretty drastic repercussions

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