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Apr 1Liked by American Prestige

I would love to hear about Derek's process & sources for the weekly news updates. How do you keep up with so many threads all over the world? What sources do you rely on for accurate reporting? Do you just track it all in a giant document? I'm always so impressed with the breadth and detail!

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So our weekly news roundup is basically a digest of from Derek's newsletter Foreign Exchanges: https://www.foreignexchanges.news/

Get an AP subscriber discounted membership for FX through the Week in History episodes: https://www.americanprestigepod.com/p/this-week-in-history-march-26-april-ef5

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Apr 1Liked by Daniel Bessner, American Prestige

Justice has been served and Danny is deservedly under Russian sanctions. Which nationstates do the fellas think Derek and Jake need to be sanctioned by?

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Apr 1Liked by American Prestige

Hey gang, first time long time. This one’s for producer Jake:

What the hey is the guy saying in the intro/interstitial/outro music? My partner and I have been able to make out something like “Let’s… bomb (bomb bomb) Dresden” but other than that we’re at a loss.

Also - can you release the full length “New Cold War” song as a standalone on youtube? I think I speak for many prestigeheads when I say it’s a fun song to vibe out to even when tensions with China are on the back burner.

Love y’all,


P.S. It would be cool if you could get Mouin Rabbani on for a Gaza update sometime.

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I'll just get this one here: the song sample is Ghassan Kanafani (Palestinian author and PFLP spokesman) from this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHgZdCJOUAk&t=12s

Good call that "New Cold War" should be on YouTube, I'll get that done. Otherwise, here's the full version on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/americanprestige/new-cold-war-theme-song?si=49ac54d73a0844b4bb4b5709153f102a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

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Apr 1Liked by American Prestige

I’ve always wondered what that sample was and it’s so much cooler than I could have dreamed! Kanafani is such a fucking gem

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Apr 2Liked by American Prestige

Very haunting words, rather prescient. We are seeing this described "conversation" unfold...

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Apr 1Liked by American Prestige

Awesome, thank you Jake!!

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Apr 2Liked by American Prestige

Thank you for the episode link and I will queue that up for the drive home after work. But I would still like to hear Danny & Derek's comments on this. It is absurd for the deep state to use sanctions to pressure countries on one hand and then act "shocked, shocked" that poor people from those very countries are flocking to the southern border. Listeners could use another reminder that our border crisis is a problem of our own making. Venezuela and Haiti are just the most current examples. Our non-profit immigrant legal center is still serving refugees from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, who are victims of a different kind of "pressure" dating back more than forty years.

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Long time listener since Episode 1 with Stephen Wertheim, and glad I have this podcast as I work through graduate school in IR.

Apologies if the question is too direct, but I was wondering if Danny or David would wish to discuss their normative/ethical framework? Not that it has to be particularly religious or institutionally based (I know David is a self-confessed lapsed Catholic), but I have a sense over the many years & episodes that both of you gentleman have strong ethical commitments that does intersect with your broader political/historical analysis, and judgement of present horrors like Gaza, Ukraine-Russia, US Imperialism, or Danny being on Russia's sanctions list (only topped by the greatest horror that is Havana Syndrome). Anymore, I apologies if the question is too direct or personal, but I respect both of you and wonder how those normative/meta-ethical frameworks are seen by you guys.

- Regards

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What are y'alls thoughts on the Saheel Confederacy (Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) and the future diplomatic and economic stability of the former French colonies and the rest of Central and western Africa? Is this potentially another "theater" of a future global conflict?

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I think it already is, or at least between climate change and migration it is primed to become one. Derek’s been talking about paramilitaries eroding state capacity in the Sahel since I was in highschool. Sorry, I know, nobody asked me.

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Not sure if you’re still accepting questions, but here’s my attempt:

Could you share your thoughts on “Promised Land, Crusader State” by Walter A. McDougall? I’m currently reading this book and really like its perspective, historical overview of the main traditions. How relevant is it after almost 30 years?

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Hi guys, do you have any insight into UK/EU conscription efforts, and are they serious? Reading German newspapers it looks like they’re trying to make patriotic militarism cool again. Same seems to be the case in France, UK, and Nordics as well. Thoughts?

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Danny, you always mention the unrivaled hegemonic power of the US military and it's global infrastructure and what not. Doesn't using this instrument cut both ways? If belt and road/BRICS win over national ruling classes in the global south, wouldn't trying to reimpose American dictatorship through force undermine the continuation of dictatorship?

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Wondering whether you think that Kurt Cobain’s suicide can be seen as one of the symbols of “End of history”. Despite being avatar 90’s culture, Cobain himself came out of a strident and oppositional (if ineffectual) 80’s Punk/Alt subculture, and that the example of his very public dispair and suicide was received as yet another sign that believing that another world is possible is not only naive but delusional.

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I hope the mailbag is still open. I'd like to hear Danny and Derek's thoughts on the word totalitarianism especially its contemporary usage. "Totalitarian" got said quite a bit at this year's Arendt Circle conference, but it was used interchangeably with authoritarian. I got the distinct impression that it was being used to refer to all the usual right-wing suspects like Orban, Bolsonaro, et al. I'm a relatively recent subscriber so apologies if I've missed this and it's in an earlier episode.


This is purely anecdotal but the prevailing attitude among philosophers regarding Palestine is pretty fatalistic. The Arendt Circle included an "Antisemitism workshop" led by a guy named Roger Berkowitz. The workshop consisted mainly of Berkowitz taking questions and almost always managing to include in his answer the argument that categories like anti-zionism or settler colonialism are, at their best, ideologically motivated slogans that are out of touch with the facts on the ground. Most of the older attendees at least partially agreed with Berkowitz but could be persuaded down to the position that yes, Israel's actions are really bad but what can we possibly do about it? This was more than a recognition that a bunch of philosophers with no connection to government have zero influence over policy. It was an inability to even try and imagine a way forward. I might be exaggerating but it really seemed to be a zombie-like commitment to Israel's pre-1967 borders.

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Answer me this: after the murder of the World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza, it appears that there's a wholesale reduction in aid being provided to the territory (out of justifiable concerns for safety). Do you folks think that José Andrés' may have just ended up making the plight of Gazans worse by going there in the first place? He made a really big deal about wanting to bypass the bureaucracy that slows these relief operations down, but now 7 of his staff are dead and his organization has stopped operations there. Is this just another example of celebrity aid initiatives hurting people more than they're helping?

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What are your thoughts on the likelihood of a greater regional war in the Middle East and how do you think it would take shape in terms of the states involved and potential consequences?

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Two very different questions for you guys,

First, am I being too optimistic or does it seem that the New Cold War just does not have the juice in nearly the same way as the Old Cold War or the War on Terror did in fueling the Military-Industrial complex rhetorically? And if that's true, do you think that opens the door even a little for actual Keynesian economic policy instead of good old-fashioned American militarily Keynesianism? With the withering support for aid in the war in Ukraine and fairly significant backlash to the funding of the Israeli genocide in Gaza it feels like there wouldn't be much of an appetite for a direct or indirect military confrontation with China but maybe I'm being too optimistic.

My second question is just simply what advice would you give to someone looking to go to grad school studying in the humanities? (other than don't do it lol)


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For Danny - considering you guys have covered the history of holidays, do you know of any good sources of how Jewish holidays specifically have been celebrated historically?

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Are we in the midst of WW4 or 5 at this point?

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